Select which Level of Certification you are eligible for and click Join!
Fill in the relevant Form with all the details requested, email the documents mentioned in the form and we will get back to you with our feedback and due process and physical or online interview to determine if you qualify for the level of Certification you are applying for.
We recognize any and all Authentic Yoga Organizations, Schools, Traditions or Teachers that meet our Standards. Your training organization or Teachers need NOT already be part of our network, though it will speed things up if they are.
You will receive a Certificate issued via India. Use our Logos on your Website, Social Media, Marketing and Advertising, showing a Mark of you or your school being an Authentic Yoga Education Provider!
Share your official profile on Social Media, Connect your website to ours and expand your network. Browse our network to find yoga organizations teachers and schools that you like, contact them to get more information. Our members are happy to hear from you!